Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Barracuda and the Boxfish

Who knew snorkeling in shallow water at Kuhio Beach could be so interesting? After patrolling the sand the length of the beach to pick up plastic bags and other debris about three o'clock today, I went in for a half hour. Right away I saw a peacock flounder--it so matched the bottom that I wouldn't have seen it except that it moved.  Its two eyes were on the same side of its head  and circled 360° independently. I've never taken a picture  of one, but here's a link:  peacock flounder  It wasn't this colorful, because the sand was monochromatic and it blended in perfectly with that.

I also saw a beautiful spotted boxfish, and then the hairs on my arm stood up as I saw a Giant Barracuda staying steady with its triangular mouth occasionally opening and closing. It's the biggest one I ever saw, at least 2 1/2 feet.  It was striped, whereas others I've seen have been 18" or so and with black tails. I watched it to see what it would eat. Most fish gave it a berth, but it didn't even go for the cute male boxfish that swam near (like the one on this long page compiling photos of all kinds of pufferfish--boxfish are a subset of pufferfish). Females aren't as colorful; they are dark with spots all over, whereas the male has electric blue sides. Maybe the barracuda didn't eat it because, according to John Hoover in Hawai'i's Fishes, their skin secretes a toxin when they are attacked. 

male from the top (a preview of the night snorkeling post)

1 comment:

  1. Barracudas scare me (to state the obvious!) - but since I love boxfish, and the barracuda didn't go for it, I might have to revise my opinion and love the barracuda too.
